Children’s Bell Choir

The children’s bell choir plays about once every other month. The bell choir uses the Krystal Bell method, which is a color coded method, so it is quick and easy to pick up and play. The only commitment is to come to a short warm-up/rehearsal on the day that the bell choir is playing. The children’s bell choir is often joined by parents and adults as an intergenerational choir. Any and all ages are welcome to share the joyful gift of music! Contact Travis Pinci, the children’s music coordinator, at 717-324-8511 with any questions.

Children’s Choir

The goal for children’s choir during the program year is to have the children’s choir sing with the worship choir about twice a year and on their own for Christmas Eve, Youth Sunday, and other special Sundays. The music that is used is often familiar hymns or songs the children know. Practices are held during children’s events such as Sunday Funday and J-Walkers. For more information, please contact Travis Pinci, the children’s music coordinator, at 717-324-8511.